you news of upcoming events
RACING STARTS IN LESS THAN A MONTH! ...will you be ready?
RULES MEETING APRIL 7th at the Firehall (see below)
A Report on the 3/13 UK Rules Seminar (and a little bit of moralizing)
-----------------Huge thanks to Bill Ward and UK Sails/Annapolis for having us-------------------
First off,
if you intend to campaign a boat this year at NPSA and you did NOT attend the March 13 rules seminar, you need to attend the April 7th Rules Meeting.
The Rules Seminar at UK SAILS in Eastport was a big success. Some 30 or so NPSA sailors turned out to get the lowdown from UK's Bill Ward. Bill did a terrific job of explaining some rather complicated rules situations.
During Bill's presentation, a lengthy discussion occurred among those in attendance in response to a question that was asked, "when SHOULD we protest?" Since NPSA's tacit policy is to avoid protests, unless the violation is flagrant and/or endangers NPSA sailors, the question was not asked in jest.
There are a significant number of sailors in our club who feel that NPSA's bias against protesting can sometimes contribute to making our races MORE dangerous rather than less, because it does not promote an atmosphere where learning the Rules is important. Yet, we wish to maintain our club spirit of friendly racing. These two concepts are seemingly at odds, but need not always be. Good people can sometimes disagree and if you DO get protested, you should not consider it a personal insult. Every protest I've ever been involved in, as either a witness or a principal to the incident, has been a huge learning experience.
On the other hand, if you feel like you've been fouled and think that the incident might be better addressed by talking it over informally, later, then the Club would certainly applaud you for that.
Bottom line is that NPSA sailors should sail safe races and knowing the Rules and playing by them is as important to us as it is to any other Yacht Club or Sailing Association. Protesting should be one of many tools to which a boat can resort if it feels it has been fouled during a race. It need not be the ONLY tool, however, and it's good to remember that we are just racing for a ten dollar plaque...the whole purpose is to have fun on Wednesday nights!!
So, please don't forget the April Rules meeting and even if you made the UK Rules Seminar, there are a BUNCH of other items on our April agenda that need member input...MAKE SURE YOU COME! 7pm April 7th at the North Point/Edgemere Volunteer Firehall (basement entrance in rear of building).
--------------------respectfully submitted by the Webwolf (webwolf@nbayracing.com). Reponses and comments encouraged!
WEDNESDAY MARCH 3 meeting: NEW SCORING SYSTEM NEWS-read and respond!
At the March 3rd Meeting, it was proposed by the Race Committee Chair (Steve) that, due to the new situation whereby we now have to supply an RC boat from the pool of boats that usually race on Wednesday nights, we now go to a High-Point scoring system for each series and for Overall 2004 results.
The thinking is, a High-Point system will lessen the negative impact on any appointed RC boat’s series standing, at least when compared to our old Low Point system. In other words, the new system would make doing RC duty one or two times a season LESS detrimental to one’s series and Overall scores.
It should be mentioned that many venues use High Point scoring very successfully, especially in cases where a lot of races are offered and there is the expectation that participants may be able to only participate in a portion of them.
UK Sails has agreed to host a rules seminar at their sail loft in Annapolis, MD on March 13, 2004 from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. This was a very successful seminar last year and I hope all can make it.
To provide incentive to captains, if you attend the rules seminar at UK Sails, you will not have to take a rules quiz. Remember, anyone steering a boat during a race (co-captain, crew, rail bait, anchor...) must attend the seminar or take a quiz.
Bring your own chair... otherwise you will be sitting on the cold floor. Maybe our social chair can organize a lunch at one of the local pubs? If you have questions, do not hesitate to call me; about the rules seminar, not the pubs.
At the March meeting I will pass out the new rules book and go over the new scoring methodology. I will not be hosting a rules seminar and quiz as originally proposed, this will be held at the April meeting. Hopefully this will provide more incentive for people to attend the seminar at UK Sails.
At the April meeting I will host a rules seminar and go over starting sequence and what is expected of each Captain in support of or acting as the committee boat.
Think warm weather, sanding and painting you bottom, and waxing you sides.
NPSA Race Committee Chairman
Wednesday Feb 4th was our February MembershipMeeting...here's a brief synopsis.
Treasurer's Report showed NPSA as being in very good financial shape. All the rumors of the Past Commodore having absconded with Funds to buy a new J/105 turned out to have been completely false (just kidding, Don).
Race Chair is working on formulating a plan for RC duty on Wednesday nights (with the departure of Mr. Dudley and the famous "Myth" after 15 years of superior race management). This may involve a different scoring strategy (to deal with boats having to cope with providing an RC for a number of races in one series). Communication with RCRA has not been suggestive of their wanting to join us for a summer series or two, so we will be racing 3 series of 8 races each. Most likely there'll be at least 2 throw-outs. Steve is doing an EXTENSIVE review and revision of NPSA's sailing instructions and rules. It's a formidable task and Steve is doing a thorough and very professional job as indicated by the document he shared with us last night. We have no plans to switch to the CBYRA starting sequence (although, personally, I think it would be an excellent idea and may need further discussion...CBYRA does a radio countdown which is an asset to any starting sequence). Race Chair would also like to see the Yellow Fleet merge in with the Blue Fleet to present just one non-spinn start, and then form a new "CRUISING CLASS" for cruising boats that would like to race on Wednesday nights but not have to remove a half ton of "pigged-out for cruising" gear for the occassion. Details to emerge.
There was also a brief discussion regarding WHEN the RC should call a race in the event of a threatening weather forecast. A time limit idea was proposed, for example the RC would make a decision and broadcast it by 5pm or 5:15, the reason being that there are boats that now race with NPSA that come from locations more distant than Jones or North Point Creek. The Club did not reach concensus on this matter, but I expect the dialogue will continue (when has it NOT??)
There will be more news on the Social and Cruising events later in the month or year...
Pizza arrived and we started in on that, with a few more beers, and I don't remember how the meeting ended other than "rather abruptly." Next time I'll actually take notes.
----------------------------respectfully submitted by the Webwolf